Monday, April 16, 2012

Forging Ahead...

Hey, folks...

So, I followed some links through the cloud, and stumbled upon the Science Fiction / Romance Brigade website. Perfect! I signed right up, and stumbled upon this "blogspot" process. "Sign up and start blogging," it said. Next thing you know, ol' Jed's a millionaire*, and here I am, trying to figure out exactly where I've landed. Here's hoping I haven't beamed down to the planet in a red shirt... I'm pretty new to all things blogging. I'm not even certain this will post to SF/R Brigade.

My name is TK Anthony, and I've read SF, F, and R, and combinations thereof, since grade school. Favorite authors include Lois McMaster Bujold, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, Georgette Heyer, Dorothy Sayers, Louis L'Amour, CS Lewis...okay, so I read more than just SF/F/R. But SF is my first love. (Kirk is the best captain of the Enterprise--Kimball Kinnison without the fancy bracelet. Just sayin'.) After decades of reading...I'm about to become a published author! Don't have a release date yet, but "Forge: Book I of the Thrall Web Series" is coming soon from Decadent Publishing.Yes, I am just a little excited...

I grew up in Pennsylvania; I currently live in Texas with my husband, two cats, my Kindle, and the voices in my head that tell me stories. I hope to stop by here regularly and get to know the community. (Love the Buffy Award for "vampire slayers"!)


+ TK
a/k/a Tess K. Anthony

*I suffer from a severe case of SFBUS--"Song Fragment Build-Up Syndrome." There is no known cure for this Pavlovian predilection to respond to environmental cues with lyrics. Except perhaps a sharp slap upside the head.